Marking 50 years of EM

Oct 2017 – Historic moments in time tumble all too regularly it seems into our lives in different ways. Yet for us in Emergency Medicine in the UK and Ireland this month can be viewed truly as one we should spend a few moments in order to savour, reflect and also to look forward.

Predicting the future

Sept 2017 – Predicting the future has always been a tricky business as events of the last 12 months or so have proven. Writing this blog requires a small modicum of peering into the future (by about 4-6 weeks or so) but I try hard to stick to the facts I am fairly certain about.

Reflecting on winter and planning ahead

May 2017 – Rattling cages, battling (media) dragons and the ‘rock and roll’ of EM! These seem to have been some of the key themes of my first six months of presidency. Time has indeed flown by but amongst the wider crisis facing the NHS, there has been a clear RCEM message heard loud and clear that if governments value emergency care systems in this country (as the public seem to) then they will need to prioritise to support us and invest wisely.

The first six months – springing forward

April 2016 – Rattling cages, battling (media) dragons and the ‘rock and roll’ of EM! These seem to have been some of the key themes of my first six months of presidency. Time has indeed flown by but amongst the wider crisis facing the NHS, there has been a clear RCEM message heard loud and clear that if governments value emergency care systems in this country (as the public seem to) then they will need to prioritise to support us and invest wisely.